Monday, February 22, 2010

Moving E-mails from one account to another

Often we need to move e-mails from one mail account to another. Here is the way.

1) Source : YahooMail, AOL, Gmail       Destination : HotMail

    Use TrueSwitch

2) Source : HotMail, AOL, Gmail    Destination : YahooMail

    Use TrueSwitch

3) Source : HotMail, AOL       Destination : Gmail

    Use Google’s built-in MailFetcher

4) Source : YahooMail     Destination : Gmail

     First Transfer all your yahoo mails to hotmail using TrueSwitch

    Then transfer mails from HotMail to Gmail using Google’s built-in MailFetcher

Also you can use products like Yippie Move for moving emails from account to another  but it is a paid service.
